This resistance is a result of friction between the liquid. Please clean the hopper carefully after each use. Plastic viscosity (PV) can be defined as the resistance offered by a fluid to flow freely. There are two different viscosity measures used to describe fluids, dynamics and kinematic viscosities. When removing the finger from the outflow tube, please note that the time, which the drilling fluid needs to flow out of the hopper into a suitable measuring cup standing below, is to be measured by means of a stopwatch. The definition of kinematic viscosity in the dictionary is a measure of the resistance to flow of a fluid, equal to its absolute viscosity divided by its. The outflow nozzle is kept shut with the finger while the drilling fluid to be measured is filled into the Marsh-Hopper. on the other hand, for non-newtonian fluids, apparent viscosity depends on the shear rate of fluid, while Dynamic viscosity is a property of a fluid that resists the movement of fluid layer over another adjacent fluid.

for Newtonian fluids, it remains constant. The hopper viscosity in seconds is defined as the time for one litre of sample liquid discharged from a filled Marsh-Hopper through the outflow nozzle. 3.1 DEFINITION AND MEASUREMENT OF VISCOSITY The behavior of a fluid in flow is very much related to two intrinsic properties of the fluid: density and viscosity. the basic difference between apparent viscosity and dynamic viscosity is that apparent viscosity is shear stress divided by shear rate. Since however, it is impossible to measure local shear stresses, and viscometers. (1) presumes the ability to measure local shear. As a simple example, syrup has a much higher viscosity than water: more force is required to move a spoon through a jar of syrup than in a jar of water because the syrup is. The fluid can be a liquid or a gas, but the term is more commonly associated with liquids. The Marsh-Hopper consists of impact-resistant plastic and hasan outflow nozzle with a defined diameter. The definition of the dynamic viscosity given by Eq. Viscosity is a scientific term that describes the resistance to flow of a fluid. The Marsh-Hopper viscosimeter is a measuring instrument for the simple routine definiton of viscosity.