It has now become the shining light in my drum arsenal with little others coming close at this price. I have a number of drum packages but this is now the one I am continually coming back to use.
There are so many truly brilliant aspects to this software and true to say, I have not found any bad points, as yet. This is a highlight feature in my opinion. The array of midi clips available to build up your drum track is quite superb and most useful for putting together tracks quickly. Ok, after reading all that I think I should go with the SD2.0 that will expand into a lot more options than the BFD or the EZ drummer programs I just got both programs. The ease of use and the range and ability to mix drums within any kit is outstandingly useful and gives added flair and texture to your tracks and gives so many varying rhythm approaches that can be used. Originally posted by goatbut29 View Post. I use this product mainly for ambient and cinematic soundscapes but also for a number of jazz and rock based music pieces but the expansive set of drums covers such a vast range of musical genres and you probably will not use them all.
MIDI library with 1640 grooves and fills recorded by professional drummers.Integrated tracker allows for extensive audio-to-MIDI conversion based on "instrument recognition AI".Scalable mixer with 35 effects such as filter, equalizer, compressor, gate, transient processing as well as detailed adjustable ("bleed") between the channels.Tap2Find function with convenient search.Integrated groove sequencer with grid editor.Tunable drums and cymbals with natural attack, reverse playback and pitch envelope.Additionally about 350 electronic drums as well as percussions.6 Drum kits from Ayotte, Gretsch, Pearl, Premier, Ludwig and Yamaha as well as additional snares, kicks and basins.Over 230GB of natural drums without effects.Recorded in 11.1 Surround by George Massenburg in the Galaxy Studios.Based on meticulously recorded samples of high quality drums.
Once I finish it off and have thoroughly tested it, I'll give folks here the heads-up.Virtual Drum Production Studio (Download) Upgrade from Toontrack EZdrummer 2 to Superior Drummer 3 This may perhaps be of some use other than working around the limitations of EZD2.

However, I've almost completed writing a TCL script which will do bulk MIDI file processing, recursively across a folder hierarchy, transposing any arbitrary set of notes to new values, writing the modified MIDI files back out to an identical hierarchy in a user-defined location. IMO, Steven Slate Drums has one of the most maddeningly unusable UIs I. If I'd known beforehand about the inability to re-map kit pieces (more fool me for not doing my research properly), I would have not touched it. I have Steven Slate Drums 5 and Superior Drummer 3, but primarily use Superior Drummer 3 (Trigger is something completely different - that's for replacing a previously recorded drum track with samples, rather than programming a drum track from scratch). As the MIDI files themselves are not changing, this points to a BUG in the EZD2 software. sometimes they play in correct time, sometimes in double time). I've also noticed some unusual behaviour in EZD2, for example, bringing 3rd-party MIDI files (from oddgroooves in my case) into the song-creator pane can sometimes cause them to play at double-time, depending upon the order in which MIDI files are dragged in (i.e. I believe that this is the only drum sample player in the known universe which does not offer this functionality (Toontrack indicates that this is only available in Superior Drummer, of the products they offer). I think it's worth mentioning that EZDrummer2 (AKA 'Inferior Drummer' by me) does not allow remapping of the MIDI notes assigned to kit pieces.